Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The MineShaft

Hello, everyone, and welcome to The MineShaft! Please, follow us as we descend down into the world of Minecraft. Everyone knows just how amazing this game is and how the possibilities are endless. That being said, we want you to enjoy all of the wonders we will be bringing to you. We will provide a multitude of content revolving around the minecraft universe. We have a lot planned already and are very excited to get it all started.

One of the features of this blog that we really hope will appeal to a vast group of people is the fact that a lot of what we do will be based on you guys, the viewers! We'll take your ideas and incorporate them into the worlds we feature. We'll take your Minecraft challenges. We'll listen to you and offer the content that you want to see. These are just a few of the ideas we have that will involve our viewers, so expect much more!

The first step towards reaching our goals, though, is actually acuumulating a body of viewers that enjoy what we are doing and like our ideas. So, in order to get there, we'll post our own content for your entertainment. We'll post articles about minecraft to inform you. We'll post amazing pictures to go along. We'll even get a youtube channel up in order to start a series of videos. We'll let you all in on our Minecraft adventures!

We can't wait to take this to the next level and start giving you guys a great site to come to! You guys are the ones who are going to make this happen so please help us out with your support!

Thanks Guys!

Steve B and Michael H

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